Monday, March 21, 2011

GTA V Ready Performance Dentistry at E3 2011?

The biggest gaming exhibition titled Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) which will be held in June 2011, would certainly rang a number of big games. Could Grand Theft Auto (GTA) V one of them?

Although always invite controversy at every launch, no doubt again if any more and bring Rockstar GTA series as one game developer with the largest income. Examples of successful course GTA IV sold out as many as 20 million copies worldwide.

Quoted Hot News Hot Issue of nowgamer And on Monday (3/21/2011), GTA V rumored to be on display at the upcoming E3 event. Allegations that appears on some rumors and predictions about the game.

For example, research institutions Billy Pidgeon who predicted that GTA V will be released in Q3 2012. Then there are also rumors that Rockstar was preoccupied with a project titled 'Rush' which allegedly is a GTA V.

The news about the emergence of GTA V also becoming widely after Rockstar look for new labor to work on their latest games. Then came also a list of suspected characters is a character in the game.

Well, before GTA V was once rumored to be appearing at E3 2010 but did not happen. Hopefully this time the game was not absent at exhibitions of his biggest games.

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