Up seemed to have sniffed the great potential of Twitter for a long time. In 2008, up even reportedly tried to buy Twitter, but these efforts reap failure.
According to British media, the Financial Times, the boss up Mark Zuckerberg Twitter intend to buy shares at a price of USD 500 million. But Twitter is not interested party with such tempting offer.
Biz Stone as co-founder of Twitter said that Twitter when it does not want to just become a popular site, but also to live with running your own business. Therefore, they do not want Twitter taken over another company.
"We created something (Twitter) where people find it valuable in it. But (then) we do not make a business from here and we really want to do it," says Biz Stone, cited hot news and hot isseu from AFP on Monday (3/1/2010).
According to Stone, up judged not going to do something like that desired by the three founders of Twitter namely Biz Stone, Evan Williams and Jack Dorsey. They firmly reject the intention up applying for Twitter and develop it themselves.
Although very many users, the Financial Times reported, Twitter has not yet produced a profit. Created in 2006, Twitter now has 175 million registered users and in 2010 recorded 25 billion spread the tweet.
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