Amid the release of Opera Mobile 11 for the Android platform and Symbian, Opera say 'goodbye' for the Windows Mobile platform. What are the reasons?
Described by Dag Olav Norem on Opera blog, the reason is quite simply the market share of Windows Mobile is considered to be less profitable for businesses Opera.
"Domains mobile is constantly changing. There is no new devices are launched in the near future, and market share continued to decline," he explained a case quoted from WPcentral, Tuesday (22/03/2011).
He also explains, from the business side as well as third party it is not profitable. Now with a change in Microsoft's mobile OS to Windows Phone 7, Opera still want to do an evaluation first.
Opera Mobile 10 and Mobile 5.1 for Windows Mobile is the latest version which can be enjoyed. Apikasi is currently still can be downloaded at the following lin
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