Tuesday, March 22, 2011

iPad 2 Released March 25, 2011 Global

Although the disaster shook Japan, Apple still confirm that the iPad two fixed released this month. March 25 next, IPAD 2 officially released globally.

Earlier, Japan earthquake will be assessed an impact on the supply iPad 2. This is because there is a key component used in the IPAD 2 comes from the State Sakura. Devastating disasters in Japan could be inhibiting the production of these components.

Components referred to as the battery and flash memory used to store data. Battery Apple iPad 2 made ​​in Japan. While NAND flash memory on the iPad 2, among others made ​​by Toshiba, a vendor based in Japan.

However, Apple still released the iPad two globally on 25 March. "Preparation is underway (IPAD presence of two globally-red), Apple's site says the 25th of March, and it's true," said Apple spokesman, as quoted from Techradar, Tuesday (03/22/2011).

Request iPad 2 itself is quite high in marketing in the United States, with an estimated one million units sold in its first week debut.

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