Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mainland Japan quake collapsed 70 Cm

Viewwit News Online, Geophysical information Agency of Japan (GSI) states, in an earthquake measuring 8.8 on the Richter scale that occurred in Japan, on Friday, yesterday, the high ground in Ishinomaki, Miyagi vanish up to 70 cm.

Not only in the area, land subsidence also occurred in some areas hit by the quake. Takeshi Sagiya, a seismology professor at Nagoya University, Japan said, the phenomenon of decline in land surface due to the change the earth's crust caused by the earthquake.

Similar statement also conveyed other seismologists, Yuji Yagi, a professor at the University of Tsukuba, Japan. According to him, more accurate analysis shows, the movement of sea water that devastated the Japanese region occurred from 500 kilometers from north to south, from Aomori Prefecture to Ibaraki Prefecture, with about 200 km wide movement.

"Indicates significant movement occurred at two points, namely from the region to Iwate Prefecture Miyagi Prefecture, and one other movement of Ibaraki Prefecture. The first process occurs at the northern point and then traveled south to the Ibaraki in just about 70 seconds. As a result, fault tectonic plates shifted to 20 meters, "said Yuji Asahi Shimbun quoted VIewwit saying on Sunday (03/13/2011).

Amblesnya land in post-earthquake location is also not only in the Ishinomaki area. Keamblesan level of about 66 cm also occur in the region Kesennuma, and point 30 to 40 cm ambles around Higashi-Matsushima. The researchers said the land on which the Pacific plate during the earthquake pushed upwards fall back down when the earthquake began to subside.

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