Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama video spammer rocking facebook

Spammer video osama on facebookon viewwit news online - A report mentions, in up the middle circulating that claimed the video link showing the death of Osama bin Laden. Be careful, this is a trap.

By clicking it, users will be taken to a Facebook page that encourages them to click on 'like' and 'share' an Osama video link with all your friends up.

However, after clicking it, users do not get the video as promised, but only help the scammers to spread this link to all Facebook users. Users instead have to follow a series of surveys to be completed before moving to the next step.

Security firm Sophos is reporting this scam mentioned, scammers will get money every time a user has finished completing the survey. That's why, they want users who are victims share this video link to as many people.

"Computer users should be wary of scams related to Osama Bin Laden poemberitaan. Not only in the up but other Internet media as well," tells Sophos as quoted ViewwitT from Naked Security, on Tuesday (05/03/2011).

Added Sophos, a proclamation that was splashy and searched a lot of people are often didomplengi spammers or hackers to threaten the safety of the penggguna Internet.

Watchlist viewwit, up Indonesia seems to have crowded this type of scam. But considering that the rapid spread of scam via internet, you should beware of them as well.

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