So asiknya watch soap operas, sometimes the mothers would forget masakannnya and finally burnt. Based on that Ade and Dedi create a modified Darulang stove. They modify the stove becomes a tool of entertainment for the mothers to cope with boredom.
Darulang Stove is modified into a stove in which there is a set of sound system. So by using this stove, the mother can cook while listening to music or karaoke.
"Why do we create a stove that is his music, so that mothers are not saturated. Because this is not hot stove into his body,"said Ade.
Ade and Dedi also shows how the sound system is functioning. Dedi connect your cell phone with a cord which is then connected to the stove. He then lit a mp3 player on cell phone and immediately heard the strains of music from the stove.
This stove is equipped with electricity. But used only when necessary. Electricity also serves to turn the fan on the stove. The fan is used when cooking on indoor air circulation is not good.
"The wind speed can be measured from the voltage, this can be from 3 volts to 12 volts,"said Ade.
For this special edition of the stove, Ade and Dedi only produce 300 stoves only. Color and the motive is also very unique. Ranging from plain to polished color with bright colors. Even if you want different from the others. We can order any motif or color for these Darulang Stove.
Stove with a diameter of 24 centimeters by 30 centimeters high is priced at USD $ 8 thousand for this type of ordinary stove. As for the stove with special facilities, priced up to $ 25 thousand.
HOT NEWS Indonesian Inovation
HOT NEWS Indonesian Inovation
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